Varsity Nordic Ski Team

crystal ball
Updated on 02/20/2019
Friday Jan 6th skate race at Plainfield School
Updated on 02/20/2019
My best guess for a return to Kingswood time is 6:30 p.m. We will not be stopping for dinner so pack something to eat. When we leave Plainfield you can call with a more accurate arrival at Kingswood time
Here is what the Lebanon coach had to say:
Practice Monday January 9th
Updated on 02/20/2019
We are planning on practice at Abenaki on Monday, January 9th. We will do interval training. We will have to keep our eye on the weather for Tuesday's practice location. We will tentatively plan on Abenaki but it might get changed to an indoor practice or time for you to wax your skis for Wednesday.

Congratulations to the First Place Nordic Knights
Updated on 02/20/2019
Congratulations to the Girls' Nordic Knights Racing Team. They raced to first place out of four schools on Friday, January 6th. Mary Kretchmer placed first, Sarah Peternel placed third, Emma Bellefleur placed seventh, and Sarah Bellefleur placed eighth out of 38 finishers. Kingswood beat Lebanon, Hanover, and ConVal.
Tuesday practice Abenaki skate, Wed Jan 11th dismiss 10:30 a.m.
Updated on 02/20/2019
excellent race at Great Glen
Updated on 02/20/2019
Thursday Jan 12 practice at Abenaki
Updated on 02/20/2019
Request for email and to check email
Updated on 02/20/2019
Results from Great Glen on January 11th
Updated on 02/20/2019
Wed Jan 4th practice
Updated on 02/20/2019
Practice for Wednesday, January 4th will be skate technique at Abenaki. Skimeisters will be at the King Pine practice.
lebanon will host at abenaki january 19th
Updated on 02/20/2019
wed jan 18 and thurs jan 19
Updated on 02/20/2019
Monday, January 23rd practice
Updated on 02/20/2019
1/25 and 1/26/17
Updated on 02/20/2019
practice February 2nd
Updated on 02/20/2019
Excellent race today. I will forward the official results as soon as I spot them in my email. Do not hold your breath. It took a couple of days the last time Kennett hosted.
practice Tuesday Feb 14th
Updated on 02/20/2019
Nordic Meet on February 22 is for high school only
Updated on 02/20/2019
Greetings Nordic Racers and Parents,
preseason details
Updated on 02/20/2019
Hello XC Parents and Nordic Ski Race Team members,
stay tuned for practice location
Updated on 02/20/2019
Important Required Electronic Waiver link
Updated on 02/20/2019
Greetings Nordic Racers and Parents,
The earlier all waivers have been submitted, the better. Skiers without waivers will not be able to compete. The link to the waiver form can be found here:
No practice Tuesday, January 3rd
Updated on 02/20/2019
Updated on 02/20/2019
First Nordic Race Postponed
Updated on 02/20/2019
uniform issue and online store purchases
Updated on 02/20/2019
Here is a copy of the email which lets you know about the uniform issue and the online store purchases:
Greetings Nordic Racers and Parents,
locker room access
Updated on 02/20/2019
Greetings Nordic Racers and Parents,
practices the week of December 19th
Updated on 02/20/2019
Here is an email from Coach Flagg about the practices the week of December 19th:
Hello All, Well well what a weather roller coaster ride we are experiencing.
practice on Wednesday Dec 14th and Thursday December 15th
Updated on 02/20/2019
Greetings Nordic Skiers and Parents,
The first day of practice found 20 of our 24 at Sewall Woods where the classical skiing was excellent considering how early in the season it is. We will be doing another day of classical skiing Wednesday at Sewall Woods. We are still looking into our options for the Thursday practice. If we are outside at Sewall Woods, we need to make sure that everyone brings the clothes necessary to keep all skin covered and to keep warm. There will be a frostbite danger on Thursday. We may opt for an indoor practice. Stay posted.
Coach Merrell
practice December 12th
Updated on 02/20/2019
Greetings Nordic Ski Team Racers and Parents,
practice canceled Dec 5th; there is practice in the weight room Dec. 7th
Updated on 02/20/2019
From Coach Flagg:
All after school activities have been canceled for Monday, December 7th due to dangerous road conditions.
optional practices the week of December 5h
Updated on 02/20/2019
Greetings Nordic Skiers and Parents,
The week of December 5th is the last week of optional practices. The regular season and the team bus begin on Monday, December 12th. Coach Flagg is running the pre-season optional practices. Here is an email he sent this weekend outlining the week of December 5th:
?Hello All, The plan for this coming week for Optional Practices is skiing at the base of Gunstock.
week of Nov 28th optional practices
Updated on 02/20/2019
Here is a copy of the email Coach Flagg sent out for his optional practices for the week of November 28th:
Hello All, Here are dates for practices this week Monday Nov.28th 3:00-4:15pm meet at Sewall Woods on Clow Road running shoes and classic poles dress for the temps.
You will need to arrange for rides / car pooling no bus is available for optional practices.
Remember to warm up examples, jumping jacks, jump rope, stretches.
Run, bike or roller ski at least 3 days per week 45 minutes- 1 hour: intensity level 1,2. Example of Level 1,2 you should be able to carry on a conversation if running with someone.
Go for a hike the longer the better and use your classic poles for upper body conditioning, if in the woods this time of year wear orange, yellow, red clothing etc.
Interval work outs level 3-4( not able to have conversation with someone) are very important so once a week do some harder short speed workouts lets say 1-2 minutes, 3-4 reps.
Upper body work outs (XC ski specific) are very important example: hill bounding ( classical stride) up hill with classic ski poles 6-8 reps 30 seconds to several minutes. Hill bounding needs to be an explosive effort.
Sit ups 2-3 min 3 sets,Push ups, Tricep Dips as many as you can 3 sets. Planks hold'm for several minutes.
Remember to warm up examples jumping jacks, jump rope, stretches, cool down and have fun.
Coach Flagg 569-3151 Work, 493-6704 Cell
nordic practice schedule
Updated on 02/20/2019
Hello Nordic Racers and Parents,
preseason practice
Updated on 02/20/2019
Here is an e-mail from Coach Flagg about our first optional preseason practice on Monday, November 14th, at Sewall Woods:
Hello All, I plan on having a optional dryland practice Monday 14th at Sewall Woods 3pm.