Kingswood knights

Department of athletics

CoEd Varsity Xc Skiing

Team News
Game Summaries (9)
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CoEd Varsity XC Skiing vs. Multiple Opponents
8.0 years ago | Tom Merrell
Match Tied: -
Author Image
CoEd Varsity XC Skiing vs. Multiple Opponents
8.0 years ago | Tom Merrell
Match Tied: -
Author Image
CoEd Varsity XC Skiing vs. Multiple Opponents
8.0 years ago | Tom Merrell
Match Tied: -
Author Image
CoEd Varsity XC Skiing vs. Multiple Opponents
8.0 years ago | Tom Merrell
Match Tied: -
Author Image
CoEd Varsity XC Skiing vs. Multiple Opponents
8.0 years ago | Tom Merrell
Match Tied: -
Author Image
CoEd Varsity XC Skiing vs. Multiple Opponents
8.0 years ago | Tom Merrell
Match Tied: -
Author Image
CoEd Varsity XC Skiing vs. Multiple Opponents
8.0 years ago | Tom Merrell
Match Tied: -
Author Image
CoEd Varsity XC Skiing vs. Multiple Opponents
8.0 years ago | Tom Merrell
Match Tied: -
Author Image
CoEd Varsity XC Skiing vs. Multiple Opponents
8.0 years ago | Tom Merrell
Match Tied: -
News (33)

crystal ball

Updated on 02/20/2019
January 17th, Tuesday practice will be a skate practice at Abenaki.
After that Mother Nature takes over.  Hopefully we get our 3-7 inches forecast.
Wednesday will not be a meet day.  That has been moved to Thursday.  I am waiting to hear if Lebanon will host at their location or if they will host using Abenaki.
We will have to wait on the weather to decide about our Wednesday practice.
I will make sure the locker room is open in the morning for nordic ski drop off.
All 100 bibs have been freshly laundered, air dried, folded and stored.  
Maddie Shatzer - They are now in random number order.  Your work has been cut out for you.
Stay posted.

Friday Jan 6th skate race at Plainfield School

Updated on 02/20/2019
Greetings Nordic Racers and Parents,
We were hoping that Lebanon would take us up on our offer to have the Friday meet at Abenaki.  However, they are planning to host it as scheduled at the Plainfield School.   We will be dismissed at 10:15 a.m. for a 10:30 a.m. departure.

 My best guess for a return to Kingswood time is 6:30 p.m.  We will not be stopping for dinner so pack something to eat.  When we leave Plainfield you can call with a more accurate arrival at Kingswood time
It is a skate race with mass starts.
Coach Merrell


Here is what the Lebanon coach had to say:

We are all systems go for a race in Plainfield.  We will plan on women at 2:00 with middle school skiers at 2:01 and men going out when the course is clear.  We plan to use the same trail to leave the school area and get back which is why the middle school skiers and HS women will go so close together.  We need to eliminate 2 way traffic.
No inside facilities however there is a port a potty.  
see you all tomorrow.

Practice Monday January 9th

Updated on 02/20/2019

We are planning on practice at Abenaki on Monday, January 9th.  We will do interval training.   We will have to keep our eye on the weather for Tuesday's practice location.  We will tentatively plan on Abenaki but it might get changed to an indoor practice or time for you to wax your skis for Wednesday.

Congratulations to the First Place Nordic Knights

Updated on 02/20/2019

Congratulations to the Girls' Nordic Knights Racing Team.  They raced to first place out of four schools on Friday, January 6th.  Mary Kretchmer placed first, Sarah Peternel placed third, Emma Bellefleur placed seventh, and Sarah Bellefleur placed eighth out of 38 finishers.  Kingswood beat Lebanon, Hanover, and ConVal.

Tuesday practice Abenaki skate, Wed Jan 11th dismiss 10:30 a.m.

Updated on 02/20/2019
Today, Tuesday, January 10th, we will have skate practice at Abenaki.  We will go level one since we are competing tomorrow. 
Dismissal time is 10:30 a.m. Wednesday morning.  If we have a delayed opening, this does not change our dismissal time.

excellent race at Great Glen

Updated on 02/20/2019
Congratulations on an excellent pursuit race at the Great Glen Trails today.  We may have to wait until tomorrow to get the official results.  I will forward the results after I get them.
Practice on Thursday, January 12th, will be skate and at Abenaki.
Remember to do the online waiver form if you have not already.  I am going to try to get everyone registered for the 2 NH Series races tomorrow.  The waiver is a requirement

Thursday Jan 12 practice at Abenaki

Updated on 02/20/2019
At last check it was just light rain and fog.  We are at Abenaki for January 12th Thursday's practice.  Fun and games in the light rain.
The results are still not in.

Request for email and to check email

Updated on 02/20/2019
Here is an e-mail sent after a fun practice at Abenaki:
Today, Thursday, January 12th,  we had a good practice at Abenaki.  However, it took a while to account for the half of the team that was not present for it.  As it turned out, all but two had valid excuses for not being there.  The ski team has a policy of only tolerating 3 unexcused absences per season.  Exceeding this limit can be cause for removal from the team.
To make my record keeping much easier, please email me in advance if you cannot make it to practice.  There is a mandatory practice every day there is a late bus.   Our next practice is Tuesday.  (Skimeisters - I know where you are on Tuesdays and Wednesdays)  (Swim team - I know your schedule)  (Indoor track - please email me)
Please also form the habit of checking your e-mail or the team news section of the team website after 2 p.m. but before practice each day we have a practice scheduled.
We have a talented team that with practice will do very well in the remaining meets.  Making it to practices is crucial.
If you want to get your skis out of the locker room for skiing this long weekend, I will unlock the locker room by 7 a.m. tomorrow morning.  It will be locked again around 1 p.m. so if you miss this window of time, you might be able to enter through the alpine side lobby door after school.  If this does not work, a building custodian might be able to help you out.
Have a great holiday weekend.  By Monday, we should know what we are doing for practice on Tuesday.  By Tuesday, we should know where we will travel for our Wednesday meet (if the conditions at the Plainfield School have deteriorated).  Lebanon is trying to make that meet classical.  Anything is possible.  We might be traveling to Vermont on Wednesday (the Strafford Nordic Center).
I am still waiting for yesterday's results.  That will be the next e-mail.

Results from Great Glen on January 11th

Updated on 02/20/2019
Congratulations to the Kingswood Girls Nordic Team and to first place Mary Kretchmer.  Mary won the pursuit race at Great Glen on January 11th.  The Knights placed second behind Kennett beating Lebanon by a wide margin. 
   Our high school girls only lost by 8 points to Kennett   (390 to 382) and were way ahead of Lebanon (362).  These places were using the combined times for both classical and skate.  For points using combined times Kingswood (Mary Kretchmer) had first place (100), Kennett had second (99)Elidh, third (98)Zoe (although on both races Elidh and Zoe tied), fourth (97) Nina, and fifth (96) Helen Badger.  Kennett's sixth place did not count for points due to the rules of "no displacement" when scoring.  That moved Sarah Peternel (second for Kingswood) into 6th place for 95 points, Emma Bellefleur (3rd for KW) into 7th place 94 points, and Sarah Bean (final 4th scorer for KW) in 8th for 93 points.  Kennett 390 to Kingswood 382.  Kingswood had finished scoring before the first Lebanon racer came through.  Lebanon had 362 points.  There were 36 girls  finishing the race.   Kingswood girls had 4 in the top 9.  Also finishing for the Kingswood girls were Sarah Bellefleur in 12th, Mary Peternel in 17th, Sarah Huckman in 20th, Allison Bean in 23rd, Sarah Hotchkiss in 33rd, and Maddie Rosiak in 34th.
Adam Richardson was the top finisher for the Kingswood Boys' Team in 19th place out of 29.  Axel Plache was right behind him in 20th place.  Jim Huckman was in 25th place.  Wyatt Pooler raced to 26th place.  The boys' team was behind Kennett and Lebanon and ahead of Hanover.
For the Knight Middle School Boys:  David Sandoval came in 4th out of 20 finishers, Tim Huckman came in 7th, Jackson Boudman came in 12th, and Robert Hotchkiss came in 16th.  Bartlett was the clear winner with Kennett just edging out Kingswood 376 to 372.
If the weather cooperates Kingswood will compete at a meet hosted by Lebanon on Wednesday, January 18th.

Wed Jan 4th practice

Updated on 02/20/2019

Practice for Wednesday, January 4th will be skate technique at Abenaki.  Skimeisters will be at the King Pine practice.

lebanon will host at abenaki january 19th

Updated on 02/20/2019
The race hosted by Lebanon on Thursday, January 19th (originally scheduled for Wed. Jan. 18th) will be at Abenaki.   We will get dismissed at 11:30 a.m. to get to Abenaki around noon.  The Lebanon coach will be emailing more race details.  There will be 5 schools:  Plymouth, Lebanon,  ConVal, Kingswood, and Kennett.  It is a skate race.
At tomorrow's practice  (Tuesday, January 17th)we will preview the course.
We need parent volunteers starting at around 1:30 p.m.
If Tom Huckman can direct the bus parking again, that will start around noon.
If anyone wants to bring a crockpot, or hot chocolate, or other food/drink items for us to share - that would be great.  Katy - can you organize that?   This will be free for all (with an optional donation jar handy).
Parents:   let Coach Merrell know if you are available Thursday afternoon to help.

wed jan 18 and thurs jan 19

Updated on 02/20/2019
The Nordic Teams can only use the lodge for bathrooms on Thursday at our race because they have rented the lodge out to a private group from 1-3 p.m for downhill skiing.  Due to this group being there during the race, we also had to adjust the race course so that we stay on just one side.
The race will start and finish on the left side looking up the mountain so that we can stay out of the way of the alpine skiers.  We will start going up Almost Thayer and then go counterclockwise through the climb, around the pond on Grand View, Upper Bog Hill, Lower Bog Hill, and then have the finish as they emerge out of Home Run.  
Tomorrow Wednesday, January 18th, will be a light practice.  There will be a waxing clinic at the Nordic Skier for those who need to learn and/or to wax their skis for Thursday.  The rest of us will continue on to Abenaki for fun and games and double poling starts.
We get dismissed at 11:30 a.m. for the race on Thursday.  You should eat first lunch.   
Parent volunteers - please arrive between noon and 1 p.m.

Monday, January 23rd practice

Updated on 02/20/2019
As you might have heard, my computer is having serious issues.  I only have access to a computer that can access this nordic email group from 6:30 a.m. until 2 p.m. each school day.  Outside of that time frame, I will email Coach Flagg who can then forward important news.  Updating this website is on the same time frame.
Monday, January 23rd practice is skate at Abenaki.
There are no nordic meets this week due to final exams.
Please study.  We want a record number of scholar athletes.

1/25 and 1/26/17

Updated on 02/20/2019
This is a reminder that we will be at Abenaki on Wednesday, January 25th and Thursday, January 26th.  
Bring both classic skis and skate skis.  We will shoot for classic but may have to switch to skate depending on conditions.

practice February 2nd

Updated on 02/20/2019

Excellent race today.  I will forward the official results as soon as I spot them in my email.  Do not hold your breath.  It took a couple of days the last time Kennett hosted.

Thank you to all the parents who came today.  I realize that not all parents are able to attend.  Those who can are appreciated.
We have a classical race at Gunstock on Saturday.  We also have a skate race at Abenaki on Monday.  For that reason we will have a practice Thursday that will be like our practice on Tuesday.  For those of you who need to wax at the Nordic Skier, you will be dropped off on our way to Abenaki.  Bring both your classical and your skate skis.  
The practice at Abenaki will be light.  You will be given the choice of technique.  Since classic is our next race, that could be a good choice.
Those waxing will be picked up around 4:15 p.m.

practice Tuesday Feb 14th

Updated on 02/20/2019
Practice Tuesday February 14th will be skate and will be at Abenaki.  For those of you who need to wax for the skate race on Wednesday, a stop will be made at the Nordic Skier with pickup after the practice.
Ski meets are on as scheduled until a decision is made by administration that the weather causes us to not be able to participate.  We will have to keep this in mind since there is some snow forecast for Wednesday.  We are scheduled to be dismissed at 11 a.m. with departure at 11:15 a.m. so pack a brown bag lunch.  The race is at Garipay Fields in Hanover- just north of the town on Route 10, right at the traffic circle and the fields are on the right.
I will forward another email about the second NH series, the big skate race at Plymouth High School this Saturday.
Remember that this Thursday at 7 p.m. at the Arts Center is a special program for students and parents of the students who are interested in continuing competitive sports in college.

Nordic Meet on February 22 is for high school only

Updated on 02/20/2019

Greetings Nordic Racers and Parents,

I just found out that the Lakes and Mountains Nordic Regional Championship to be held at Great Glen on Wednesday, February 22 is for high school racers only.
Middle school racers will have Wednesday, February 22nd off.
The race on Friday, February 24th, the Middle School State Championship, is for Middle School Racers only.  Middle school racers should meet behind the Arts Center at 7:15 a.m. for a 7:30 a.m. departure on that day.
The Tuesday March 7th race, the D2 state meet, is for high school racers only.  Meet at 6:45 a.m. for a 7 a.m. departure.
On Saturday, February 18th, all middle school and high school racers should meet behind the Arts Center at 7:15 a.m. for a 7:30 a.m. departure to Plymouth.

preseason details

Updated on 02/20/2019

Hello XC Parents and Nordic Ski Race Team members,

Thank you to all the athletes and parents who were able to make it to our team meetingI have attached the schedule and the parent info letter and the equipment and clothing handout.
We are still looking for a volunteer parent who can attend the Booster Club meetings.
Contents of emails will be posted on the team sites at:
The attachments you can only get through the email, so form the habit of checking both please.  
At the meeting we mentioned that preseason practices will be announced by email and then posted on the team news section of the website.  The team bus will not be running until the regular season starts on December 12th.
Your captains Mary and Emma will let you know when preseason Harvey practices are happening.  I will email you when we have practices with the conditioning coach, Conner Lane.
We hope that everyone starts the season fit.  Work out on a regular basis.
We will be having a community service trail work day before the regular season begins.
Keep checking the emails.

stay tuned for practice location

Updated on 02/20/2019
Please stay tuned to the email and/or website for updates on where we will ski on Wednesday, January 4th.  There is a good chance we will be at Abenaki instead of Sewall Woods.
I also wanted to thank the five racers who completed their NH Series forms within an hour from when I sent out the request.  I am impressed.   Five done, seventeen to go.
Skiers without waivers will not be able to compete. The link to the waiver form can be found here:

Important Required Electronic Waiver link

Updated on 02/20/2019

Greetings Nordic Racers and Parents,

This is a very important e-mail which includes a link you should follow within minutes of reading this.  The 2 biggest races of the season (other than the state meet) are the NH Coaches Series races.  The link below takes you to the electronic form which must be filled out for every racer in order for Kingswood to register for this race.   The registration deadline is fast approaching.
Here is what the race coordinator for the NH Series wrote:
 At the present time, we only have about 10 schools out of 50 whose parents have started submitting skier waivers. If you haven't already notified parents about completing waivers, PLEASE BEGIN THIS PROCESS NOW. 

The earlier all waivers have been submitted, the better. Skiers without waivers will not be able to compete. The link to the waiver form can be found here:
These races are also qualifiers for being selected for the Eastern HS Team and/or the U16/J2 team.  These are the elite all state NH teams which several of our racers have qualified for in past years.
Middle school racers also need to complete this short form.
The waiver link above only takes two minutes to complete.  Please, please do it right now.  Let me know ASAP if you have any difficulty filling out the form electronically.

No practice Tuesday, January 3rd

Updated on 02/20/2019
There will be no nordic practice (or any practice for any team) today, January 3rd due to the weather.  The late bus has been canceled.
The waxing clinic has been postponed (probably to the next rainy day).
Tomorrow, Wednesday, January 4th,  plan on skate skiing the super loop at Sewall Woods.


Updated on 02/20/2019
Our skimeisters are a select and a special group.  They compete in both alpine and nordic meets.
This week the skimeisters should go to King Pine alpine practices and plan on competing in the alpine race on Friday.  It is a big alpine race with 10 schools competing.
Nordic will see the skimeisters on Thursday this week.
In a typical week the skimeisters will go to nordic on Mondays and Thursdays and to alpine on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.  Whenever there is a meet, skimeisters should compete rather than going to a practice.

First Nordic Race Postponed

Updated on 02/20/2019
The nordic race scheduled for Wednesday, January 4th at the Plainfield School has been postponed until Friday, January 6th.  It has also been changed from a classical race to a skate race.
Our rainy day practice plans for today have not changed.  Meet at the bus by 2:40 p.m. if you attending the waxing clinic at The Nordic Skier.   Meet outside Room 178 after school if you are going to do the indoor workout.

uniform issue and online store purchases

Updated on 02/20/2019

Here is a copy of the email which lets you know about the uniform issue and the online store purchases:

Greetings Nordic Racers and Parents,

Today, Tuesday December 20th, we are skiing at Abenaki.  Also today the online store purchases will be given and the uniform issue will occur.
The uniforms are now going to be school issued and school owned.  If you are one of the 16 members of the team who needs to get a uniform, you must promise to return the uniform at the end of the season.  If it is not returned, you will be charged the $150 replacement cost.
We will decide after practice today where we will be skiing tomorrow.  Today classical is mandatory.  Tomorrow racers can choose either classical or skate.
Coach Merrell

locker room access

Updated on 02/20/2019

Greetings Nordic Racers and Parents,

We are going to have the doors to the lobby between the alpine and nordic locker rooms programmed to automatically open  at 6:55 am and lock at 7:25 a.m. when school starts. They will unlock at 2:20 pm when school gets out and relock at 5 pm when the late bus leaves.   If you need access to drop off or pick up skis at times other than these, please email me a day in advance.  Thanks.
Coach Merrell

practices the week of December 19th

Updated on 02/20/2019

Here is an email from Coach Flagg about the practices the week of December 19th:

Hello All, Well well what a weather roller coaster ride we are experiencing.

We will be on skis this week so be prepared for either skate or classic every practice.
 The plan is to ski at Sewall Woods on Monday 3pm we will announce at the end of each practice the next location for practice.
Mondays temps will be in the teens proper clothing choice for the temps is a must all skiers need gloves, hat or headband and layers of clothing which can be removed or added as needed. 
Jan.4th is our first race it is scheduled as a classic race so our emphasis will be on classic. 
For those who do not glide wax at home you will need to use the wax area at Nordic Skier on the day before all races, assistance will be available and team wax is available. All skiers are responsible for glide waxing and on classic skis cleaning kick zones.
 All kick zones of your classic skis must be cleaned well for the races we do not have time at races to clean kick zones.

practice on Wednesday Dec 14th and Thursday December 15th

Updated on 02/20/2019

Greetings Nordic Skiers and Parents,

The first day of practice found 20 of our 24 at Sewall Woods where the classical skiing was excellent considering how early in the season it is.  We will be doing another day of classical skiing Wednesday at Sewall Woods.  We are still looking into our options for the Thursday practice.  If we are outside at Sewall Woods, we need to make sure that everyone brings the clothes necessary to keep all skin covered and to keep warm.  There will be a frostbite danger on Thursday.  We may opt for an indoor practice.   Stay posted.

Coach Merrell

practice December 12th

Updated on 02/20/2019

Greetings Nordic Ski Team Racers and Parents,

Our first day of practice, Monday, December 12th,  looks like it might be a "snow day".  If it is we are not allowed to have practice.
If we have a delayed opening and if there is still a late bus running, then we should plan on and pack for any type of practice - inside or outside - on skis or not.
If we have a regular school day or a delayed opening, I will get to the locker room behind the Arts Center (the one on the right side) and unlock the door.  You can drop your ski bags with skis and poles in the locker room.
Plan on meeting at the Arts Center locker room right after school (if we have late bus).  
Practice will be over in time for the late bus.
Hopefully we will make it to Gunstock one or two days this week.

practice canceled Dec 5th; there is practice in the weight room Dec. 7th

Updated on 02/20/2019

From Coach Flagg:

All after school activities have been canceled for Monday, December 7th due to dangerous road conditions.

 This Optional Practice has been canceled.
No one is allowed to ski the base area without a coach is Gunstocks policy.
We will try for another day.
  Please pass the word
Coach Flagg
?From Coach Merrell
Greetings Ski Racers and Parents,
As you heard from Coach Flagg, due to dangerous road conditions there will be no optional practice today.
Coach Flagg cannot make it to Wednesday's optional practice in the weight room.  I will be there so that this practice will happen.  Meet at the weight room Wednesday by 2:45 p.m.
Regular season practices start Monday, December 12th.  Starting Monday we will meet as a team in the nordic locker room by 2:35 p.m. and then take the nordic team bus to practices.
Coach Merrell

optional practices the week of December 5h

Updated on 02/20/2019

Greetings Nordic Skiers and Parents,

The week of December 5th is the last week of optional practices.  The regular season and the team bus begin on Monday, December 12th.   Coach Flagg is running the pre-season optional practices.  Here is an email he sent this weekend outlining the week of December 5th:


?Hello All,  The plan for this coming week for Optional Practices is skiing at the base of Gunstock.

 As of this moment we will be skiing Monday and Thursday.
 Wednesday may be a weight room and strength day at school TBD. 
 We will meet at the Gunstock Nordic Center at 3:15pm on the access road to Gunstock Ski Area to pay for and pick up tickets. The cost is $7 per skier per practice for these optional practices. 
You will need to arrange for rides no bus till Dec12th
If you plan on skiing PLEASE reply to this email Gunstock and Coaches would like an idea of head count for each day.
We will be skate skiing. Bring water and a healthy snack and proper clothing for the temps.
 We will ski till 4:30 at least.
Weather alert chance of snow flurries if driving conditions are a concern please use your own discretion on attending these optional practices and train on your own running, strength etc.

week of Nov 28th optional practices

Updated on 02/20/2019

Here is a copy of the email Coach Flagg sent out for his optional practices for the week of November 28th:

Hello All, Here are dates for practices this week Monday Nov.28th 3:00-4:15pm meet at Sewall Woods on Clow Road running shoes and classic poles dress for the temps.


 You will need to arrange for rides / car pooling no bus is available for optional practices.

Wednesday Nov. 30th meet at the weight room at high school for indoor weight training at 2:45-4:45 pm.  
As soon as we can get on snow we will either be traveling to base area of Gunstock Ski Area or Abenaki Ski Area this could be as soon as first full week of December so if you have not yet got your ski gear ready now is the time.
If you can't make these optional practices here are some suggestions for training.

Remember to warm up examples, jumping jacks, jump rope, stretches.

Run, bike or roller ski at least 3 days per week 45 minutes- 1 hour: intensity level 1,2.  Example of Level 1,2 you should be able to carry on a conversation if running with someone.

Go for a hike the longer the better and use your classic poles for upper body conditioning, if in the woods this time of year wear orange, yellow, red clothing etc.

Interval work outs level 3-4( not able to have conversation with someone) are very important so once a week do some harder short speed workouts lets say 1-2 minutes, 3-4 reps.

Upper body work outs (XC ski specific) are very important example:  hill bounding ( classical stride)  up hill with classic ski poles 6-8 reps 30 seconds to several minutes. Hill bounding needs to be an explosive effort.

Sit ups 2-3 min 3 sets,Push ups, Tricep Dips as many as you can 3 sets. Planks hold'm for several minutes.

Remember to warm up examples jumping jacks, jump rope, stretches, cool down and have fun.

Coach Flagg 569-3151 Work, 493-6704 Cell

nordic practice schedule

Updated on 02/20/2019

Hello Nordic Racers and Parents,

Here is the preseason and regular season nordic ski team practice schedule:
Preseason - through December 9th (starting 11/14/16) (optional practices)
Mondays and Fridays when school is in session - 3 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. at Sewall Woods or Abenaki  (no team bus)
Wednesdays when school is in session - 245 - 445 p.m. in the KRHS weight room
Regular season beginning December 12th
Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays - whenever there is a late bus
Meet at the team bus at 2:45 p.m. for the ride to either Sewall Woods or Abenaki or the Bean Trails - Cotton Mt.
we will return in time for late bus - by 4:45 p.m.
There is no practice on meet days.
Coach Merrell
Nordic Knights
The Green Wave
Meet at the weight room at 2:45 p.m. on Wednesdays starting November 16th

preseason practice

Updated on 02/20/2019

Here is an e-mail from Coach Flagg about our first optional preseason practice on Monday, November 14th, at Sewall Woods:

Hello All, I plan on having a optional dryland practice Monday 14th at Sewall Woods 3pm.

 Please have running shoes and your classic poles if you have them, dress for the weather and temps. 
You will need to arrange for rides / car pooling no bus is available. 
We will practice till about 4:30
Also if you can bring a jump rope or several to share that would be great.
Sewall Woods is posted no hunting but its still a good idea to wear red, orange, yellow when in the any woods this time of year.
See you then,
Coach Flagg