Kingswood knights

Department of athletics

CoEd Varsity Xc Skiing

Game Summaries & Headlines.

CoEd Varsity XC Skiing vs. Multiple Opponents

8.0 years ago @ 6:20PM
Game Date
Feb 4, 2017

Mary Kretchmer came in first out of 148 high school A racers from NH public and private schools that have nordic teams at the first 2017 NH Series Race at Gunstock Nordic Center today.  She finished the classical course in 13:23.  Emma Bellefleur was second for the Knights in 16:52 (39th).  Sarah Peternel came in 48th in 17:13.  Sarah Bean finished the scoring for the team in 4th place in 50th place.  Also finishing for the high school girls were Sarah Bellefleur (51st, 17:23), Becky Peternel (54th, 17:32), Sarah Huckman (68th, 18:06), Mary Peternel (103rd, 19:24), and Allison Bean (107th, 19:32).  Also finishing in the B race were Maddie Rosiak in 19:47, Hannah Demain in 22:08, and Sarah Hotchkiss in 22:23.  (The B race times are unofficial).

First for the Kingswood A boys was Jim Huckman (80th, 15:05).  Adam Richardson finished in 106th (15:59) and Axel Plache finished in 115th (16:21).   There were no B racers for the Kingswood boys.
David Sandoval finished 5th out of 154 middle school boys with a time of 16:13.  Tim Huckman was next for the Kingswood Middle School boys (62nd, 20:57).  Jackson Boudman was next (71st, 21:27) and Robbie Hotchkiss finished in 122nd place in 35:16.
Ginger Plache was the only Kingswood Middle School Girl racing.  Her unofficial time for the course was 19:16.
The Knights will host a skate sprint at Abenaki Monday February 6th beginning at 2:30 p.m.  7 high schools and 6 middle schools will be racing.
Tom Merrell
Nordic Knights
I expect the unofficial times to be updated at the following site: