Kingswood knights

Department of athletics

CoEd Varsity Cross Country

Team News
Game Summaries (0)

No team summary for this season.

News (10)

Wyatt and Cam move on to New Englands!

Updated on 02/20/2019

Congratulations to the the KRHS Boys XC team for their performance yesterday! 

All the boys PRed! Wow! Find updated time spreadsheet here.

Full results can be found here. And more information can be found here.

And a special congratulations to Wyatte Pooler and Cam Stinchfield, who will run next weekend in the New England Championships next weekend in Belfast, Maine! More information about there can be found here.

KRHS XC D2 Recap

Updated on 02/20/2019
Congratulations to the girls who closed our their season yesterday. They came in 12th (12 points away from 10th) of 19 schools. See full results here. This was the highest finish for the girls since 2006 when we placed 8th. Congrats on a good season ladies! Let's shoot for a top ten finish next year! I am sure we can do it... especially if we do that summer running!
And congratulations to the boys who finished 4th place! See full results here. The boys finished 11th last year and 5th in 2015. Before that the last time the whole team made it to MOCs (Meet of Champions) was in 2007, 2006, and 2005. 
For both teams, we are happy to see all that hard word pay off!
For the boys, Beast of the Meet was Jim Huckman, who ran exceptionally well! He PRed by 27 seconds!?!? Honorable mention to our freshman #5 Oleg who also PRed (by 4 seconds). 
And for the girls, Beast of the Meet was Carolyn Day, who was our other freshman #5. She ran her second fastest time this year and ran a minute faster than her time at Manchester earlier in the year. 
Next Saturday's meet is at Nashua South High School. The bus leaves at 11:30. Please be there at 11:15. The boys race at 3:20, but we are getting there early so we can see the course since many have not run it! The girls race at 2:30, so we need to be off the course by then. It is a super flat, fast course and we look forward to seeing how the boys run there! The top 6 teams and top 25 individuals will run at New Englands.
On that note, check out the boys Divisional Merges from Saturday (and see more information here). It looks like we could have a few runners racing at the New Engands. New Englands are in Belfast, Maine this year.Click here for more information about that.
The boys will be practicing all week this week. If any girls want to run, I will be there (running far behind the boys), so feel free to join us.
Details for the end of the year get together will be coming soon. We would like to invite parents to join us for this, so we will be having it at the high school to accommodate everyone. We will do it potluck style and will probably have it the week of 6th or the 13th. 
Thanks to all the parents, siblings and friends that came to support the team. We appreciate your enthusiasm!
Coach Jacobs and Coach Mick

1st and 3rd at the Plymouth Invitational

Updated on 02/20/2019

?It was a beautiful day for racing in Plymouth the boys and girls cross country teams continued to roll on with their very successful seasons!

The boys were first of nine teams ?with ?38 ?points. Kennett had 62 and MV had 82. There were four boys in the top ten (2, 3, 4 and 6)!

?The girls were third of seven teams with 84 points behind Kennett (25) and MV (75). Bow was fourth with 85 points! There were three girls in the top 20 (3, 14, and 19... and 21).
It was great to see several of our runners move up 
 the race
? and pass lots of people.?
?It is also really good 
 to see many of you beat or be near runners from other teams that you haven't been near all season. 
?The first ?
Beast of the 
Jack Zarse who ran a PR of 20:27 (1:15 faster than last year)? by 27 seconds on the tough Plymouth course. There were no other PRs, so that shows how impressive Jack's run was.
?The second Beast of the Meet is Grace Trites who ran 23:40 (25 seconds than last year)?. She also placed 19th for a medal. And most importantly, she passed a Bow girl about 50m before the finish to help the girls earn that plaque. Grace had a strong start, but also moved up and passed people throughout the race: she was in about 30th at 3/4 of a mile, 26th at 2 miles and moved up to be 19th.
?Honorable mention (and hopefully Athlete of the Week): Sarah Huckman for a very impressive third place finish!?

Please see update  times in this doc

For next Thursday, at our home meet, we will need some help from parents. We will need some course marshals and some food (store bought, homemade, healthy and unhealthy
?... whatever you can provide for the racer for after the race!
). If you can help as a course marshal, please 
?let me and Mick know via email and ?
arrive at 3:15. Thank you in advance

And as always, thanks to the parents and friends who came to support the team. We appreciate
? your support!
?I will see some of you this morning at the Foley 5K. The rest of you, enjoy the weekend and see you on Monday.?
?oach Jacobs and Coach Mick?

Manchester Invitational Recap

Updated on 02/20/2019
Congrats on running so well at the Manchester Invitational this weekend! This was a tougher course with a lot more hills, so it was awesome to see quite a few of you who ran faster (5 girls and 5 boys) than at ORHS! And many others ran very close to the same time. We look forward to seeing how you all run there at the end of October.
A special big congrats to Wyatt and Cam who medaled, 4th and 19th, at the Manchester Invite! That is a big deal!
Beasts of the meet were Cannon Newbury who ran 28 seconds faster than he did at ORHS and Sarah Huckman who ran 59 seconds faster than she did at ORHS! 
The boys were 8th of 38 teams and the girls were 19th of 30 schools. Full results can be found here. You will notice at the bottom of that page "coming soon,"  there will be some compiled results for all divisions, so that will be interesting.
I have also updated the times for the season here.
The schedule for the Coe Brown meet is below. Bus departure time TBA (we are waiting to see if some middle schoolers will be coming with us). It is at Coe Brown Northwood Academy. 
  • 8:45am Course Walk
  • 9:00am Girls Middle School Race
  • 9:30am Boys Middle School Race
  • 10:00am Junior Varsity Girls
  • 10:40am Junior Varsity Boys
  • 11:15am Varsity Girls Race
  • 11:50am Varsity Boys Race
  • 12:30pm AWARDS
On another note, I had some questions about nutrition, so I am sharing a couple of links with you all about that:
Thanks to the parents and siblings who came to cheer on the team.

Black Bear Invitational

Updated on 02/20/2019

Wow! What a great day of racing at Coe Brown! We had 17 of 22 runners who PRed and almost all others ran season bests. Full results are here?.?

The boys were 6th of 24 teams and the girls were 16 of 23. 
?There were a lot of D1 schools there today.?
Beasts of the meet are Caitlin, who smashed her PR by 1:30 running 23:30, and 
?(an under the weather) ?
Brent, who broke his PR by 38 seconds running 18:06. 
The middle school boys were 5th of 9 teams with all five 
?boys ?
running PRs!
? We were happy to have them there with us today.?
Thanks to all the parents, siblings, friends, Coach Meyers and Coach Christian for coming
? and cheering on our runners?
The next meet is next Saturday at Kennett MIDDLE SCHOOL
? at 2:00?
. Details to come later in the week

Oyster River Recap

Updated on 02/20/2019
You can find results from last Saturday's meet here. There were 11 PRsand almost all runners ran faster than they did at Gunstock (and Great Glen). Beasts of the meet were Brent Coope and Caitlin Carpenter.
Also, a big congrats to Wyatt Pooler for his KRHS Athlete of the Week this week!

Gilford Early Bird at Gunstock

Updated on 02/20/2019

Excellent competing today at the Gilford Early Bird at Gunstock!

The boys team took 3rd placed out of 21 teams. Wyatt Pooler and Cam Stinchfield led the team with impressive 2nd and 4th place finishes (of 233 finishers). Brent Coope, Jim Huckman, Oleg Sheahan (a freshman!), Adam Richardson, and Alex Gehl rounded out the top 7. Find full results here

The girls team exceeded expectations by placing 8th our of 17 teams. Sarah Huckman led the way with a 27th place finish (of 174 finishers), followed by a close group of Rosemary Carpenter, Sarah Carpenter, Caitlin Carpenter, Grace Trites, Sarah Bellefleur, Carolyn Day, and Lily Stinchfield. Find full results here


Great Glen Recap

Updated on 02/20/2019
Big congrats to everyone for great racing today on the always challengingGreat Glen course! 
The boys were 4th of 9 teams. They missed 3rd place by 1 point! The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place teams are all D1 schools.
The girls were also 4th of 9 teams. And they missed 3rd place by 5 points. This is the first time in a long time that they girls have placed the same as the boys at a meet, so a big congrats for that!
Beasts of the Meet are Molly Newbury, who ran faster than Gunstock, and Joseph Wasson, who ran 22 seconds slower than Gunstock and earned the varsity running position for the next meet!
The results are not online, but you can see all the times from today in the updated season doc here. The course was definitely long! It was probably somewhere between 3.3 and 3.5 miles, according to GPS watches from various coaches.

Practice is canceled today 8/18/17

Updated on 02/20/2019
We are canceling practice today? because of the heavy rain, the temps in the 60s, and the possibility of thunderstorms, combined with the fact that you would all be soaking wet and freezing for media night!
It is very important that you get out and run this weekend! Running 30-50 minutes would be ideal.
Also, if you want to cheer on your the Terrific Trio in the Tri Tomorrow, the Graniteman starts at 9:00 at Carry Beach. Adam, Cam, and Sarah B. will be swimming 3/4s of a mile, biking 15 miles, and running 4.2 miles!
See you tonight at 5:00 (or a bit before) for media night.

KRHS XC Starts August 14th!

Updated on 02/20/2019 | Kara Jacobs

Season officially starts August 14th:

  • Official practices will start Monday, August 14. Practice will be 7:30-9:15ish for two weeks, Monday-Friday.

  • Starting on Monday, August 28th, practice will be 5:00-6:45ish, Monday-Friday.

  • When school starts, practice will be from 2:45-4:30ish

  • We will meet in the back of the Arts Center.

Reminder about Summer Training:

  • If you want to have a successful season, run! Run! Run! Running 4-6 times a week for 40-60 minutes is ideal.

    • Note: There is no substitute for running. Swimming, biking, hiking, and/or lifting are great to do, but if you want to be ready for the season and have a successful, injury-free season, you need to run!

  • The "Intro to Cross Country" program for incoming 4th-8th graders will be held Wednesdays and Fridays, from 8:30am - 9:30am at Sewall Woods. It will take place July 5 - August 4 for a total of 10 sessions at Sewall Woods (located at the end of Clow St. in Wolfeboro). Coach Jacobs will be there at 7:30 to get in a good run before the program starts. We need some athletes to help with this program. If you help, you should come and run before. As most of you know, one athlete did this last summer and because of that summer running, she improved tremendously last season!

  • We hope many of you will participate in the Summer Cross Country Series at Abenaki. The Wolfeboro Free Masons are hosting this running series at Abenaki ski area. There will be three 3 mile races on July 13th, 20th and 27th. The cost is $10/race or $20/series. You can register the day of the race or save some money by pre registering for the entire series at Races will happen rain or shine.