Kingswood knights

Department of athletics

Girls Varsity Tennis

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Girls Varsity Tennis vs. Coe-Brown Northwood Academy

6.0 years ago @ 8:36PM
Game Date
Apr 20, 2018
KNIGHTSKingswood Regional High School: 3

Kingswood Girls Tennis lost to Coe Brown Friday April 20th 3 to 6 at the Wolfeboro Town courts Friday April 20th.  After dropping the first 4, Kingswood won 5 and 6.  Needing to sweep the doubles, it looked hopeful early when Kingswood was leading in all of the doubles.  Coe Brown came from behind winning #2 and then #1 doubles.  Kingswood got its third win at #3 doubles for its third 3-6 loss.
Here are the details:

2018 Girls Tennis Home against Coe-Brown – Match #5

Friday, April 20, 2018

Coach Tom Merrell


Singles                                                                             Score              Record


#1      Kara Phu                             vs.  #1  Megan Winsatt               _3-8__CB      ___3-1____


#2      Rebecca Coache                vs.  #2   Mesky Wallace              __4-8__CB_   __2-3____


#3      Danielle Schillereff          vs.  #3  Mary Thoms                    __2-8_            _CB__ __1-3___


#4      Emily Carpenter               vs.  #4  Addy Leifer                     __3-8__CB_   ___1-4____


#5      Maddie Ward                     vs.  #5  Lily Libbey                      __8-4_            K         ___2-0_____


#6      Grace Saunders                vs.  #6 Kira Nealburk                 __8-1__K__    ____4-0____





#1      Phu / Coache                     vs #1 __Winsatt/Leifer              __6-8__CB__ ____0-1___


#2      Schillereff / Coache         vs #2 __Wallace/Thoms__         ___2-8_CB     ___1-2_


#3      Ward / Saunders             vs #3 __Libbey/Ally Wheeler  __8-0__K       __5-0___


                                             Match Score                      Kingswood Record


            ___Kingswood____3____Coe Brown___6___ _____2-3___________