Kingswood knights

Department of athletics

Girls Varsity Soccer

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Girls Varsity Soccer vs. Merrimack Valley HS School

8.0 years ago @ 8:17PM
Game Date
Oct 7, 2016
KNIGHTSKingswood Regional High School: 0

The Kingswood Girls Varsity Soccer Team played with heart at Alumni Field Friday evening, October 7th.   The Knights never gave up despite having trouble scoring.  The Merrimack Valley Girls were winning more of the 50-50 balls and intercepting more of the Kingswood passes.  They kept Kingswood keeper Sarah Harrigan extremely busy. 
 At 6 minutes M.V scored from inside the 18 over the keeper's head.  At 20 minutes the score was to the far side of the goal from inside the 18.  At 23 minutes a player on the left side of the goal was left unmarked and scored the 3rd goal.  The final goal of the half also was the result of a M.V. forward left unchallenged  inside the 18.
The only score in the second half resulted from a Merrimack Valley penalty kick which went low and to the left.  It slipped just under the diving Kingswood keeper.  Sarah Harrigan turned away a season record 33 shots on her goal.  The team lost this one 5-0.   The team hosts Plymouth at Alumni Field Tuesday, October 11th and hosts Farmington at the Senior night on Saturday, October 15th