Varsity Football Fall 2016

Knights Lose a close one vs. Laconia
Updated on 02/20/2019 | Justin Leonard
The Kingswood Knights football team lost a heartbreaker to Laconia 28-24. The Knights jumped out to a 17-0 lead in the second quarter. The defense was lead by Jake Beaudet(5 tackles 2 For loss), Jay Warthen (7 tackles 1 Sack) and Cam Mann (5 Tackles, 1 Sack, 1 PD). The offense was lead by Alex Matarozzo (15 Carries 96 yards) and James Donovan ( 13 Carries 95 Yards and a TD). Touchdowns were scored by Cam Mann and Cole Johnston. Mark Chrysafidis scored 6 points 1/1 on field goals and 3/3 on extra points.
1st Annual Granite State Jamboree @ Kingswood
Updated on 02/20/2019
1st Annual Granite State Jamboree at Kingswood
August 23, 2017
Kick Off at 5:00 pm
Alumni Field - Kingswood Regional HS, Wolfeboro NH
$2 Dollars for students
Children 9 and under are free
Cleat Store Link! Closes 7/4!!
Updated on 02/20/2019
Attached is the link for a cleat store running until July 4th
2017 Lift a Thon Results
Updated on 02/20/2019 | Justin Leonard
Yesterday over 30 football players participated in our first annual Lift-A-Thon.
1000 LB Club
Joe Moore, Evan Deveau, Cam Mann, Korbin Tinker
900 LB Club
Connor DeMasi, Nathaniel Klingensmith
800 LB Club
Sean Harrington, Chance Parker
700 LB Club
Tim Lemay, James Donovan, Cameron Bailey, Cormac Lennon, Evan Gorton, Austin Perkins, Oftin De La Cruz, Gavin Goodwin, Rob Doherty, Dom Lundrigan and Eddie Badger.
Thank you to all participants, donators and supporters of Kingswood Football
2017 Summer Players Store
Updated on 02/20/2019
The 2017 Summer Player Store is up and will close on Sunday June 18 at 11:59 pm.
The purchase of the Team TShirt and Shorts by all Kingswood Football players is STRONGLY encouraged for Pre Season practices.
sale code: 79568
2017 Registration
Updated on 02/20/2019 | Justin Leonard
Registration for the 2017 Football Season is open! For you to participate in any football activity you must register! This includes 7on7(And St Anselm Shootout), Lifting and fundraising events!(If you dont fundraise you will pay full price for camp)
UNH Football Camp
Updated on 02/20/2019 | Justin Leonard
UNH is hosting its annual football camp July 9 - 13 for athletes from 6-12 grade(Entering Fall 2017).
OTA/Skill Workout Postponed
Updated on 02/20/2019 | Justin Leonard
There will be no Football OTA workout today 6/12
OTA Workout has been postponed until Thursday 6/15 at 5:30 pm.
Football Fan store is up
Updated on 02/20/2019 | Justin Leonard
The Kingswood Knights Fan store is up! Get your football Gear here!! The store closes 9/27 at 11:59 PM. Order quickly
Webstore for players
Updated on 02/20/2019
The webstore link for players has been sent out through their individual hudl accounts. The store closes Tuesday night at midnight. ALL PLAYERS HAVE BEEN SENT THIS - if there are any questions have the player check their hudl messeges. Also there will be a fan store up in the near future.
Directions to ConVal High School
Updated on 02/20/2019 | Justin Leonard
Here are the directions from Kingswood High School to ConVal High school. The field will be on the right before you reach the high school. Park at the high school.
Equipment Hand outs and First day of practice
Updated on 02/20/2019 | Justin Leonard
Tomorrow there will be equipment hand outs from 4-6 pm
Notes for Wednesday
Report Time: 6:45 am - Practice starts promptly at 7 am. Be earlier than that to be safe.
What to bring: Kingswood/Green/Silver Shirts and Shorts, Mouthguard, cleats and water. Bring a lunch for between practice and classroom session.
Weekly Schedule
Updated on 02/20/2019 | Justin Leonard
Monday: JV Game (HOME) - 4 pm. Varsity Practice - 2:45
Tuesday: Practice - Defense
Wednesday: Practice - Offense/Special Teams
Thursday - Offense/Defense
Friday Pregame
Saturday report time :9:45 am
Kick off 1:30 John Stark Regional HS
Directions to John Stark Regional HS - From KRHS
Updated on 02/20/2019
Kingswood Regional High School
Weekly Schedule - Bow
Updated on 02/20/2019 | Justin Leonard
Monday: Varsity: Film - 2:45 Lecture Hall, 4pm Lifting Weight Room, 5 pm Watch JV game
JV: Home vs. John Stark 4 pm
Tuesday: Practice 2:45 on Turf finishes at 5:15 pm
Wednesday: Practice 2:45 on Turf finishes at 5:15 pm
Thursday: Practice 2:45 on Turf Finishes at 4:45 pm
Friday: Home Game vs Bow - New Hampshire Tackles Hunger game 7 pm
Saturday: Film 8 am Lecture Hall, Lifting 9 am. All are welcome, mandatory if you play on Friday Night
Football Northeast 7 on 7 Meeting
Updated on 02/20/2019 | Justin Leonard
There will be a meeting for the Under Armour 7 on 7 tournament today July 15th in the Football Locker room. This meeting is expected for all participants in the tournament. Please attend this meeting. We will be doing a pre game walk through and review for tomorrows tournament. Again it is EXPECTED that you attend if you plan on participating in this tournament.
If there are any issues please email me at
Thank you

2017 UNH Spring Football Game
Updated on 02/20/2019
On Saturday April 29th all returning football players are invited to attend the 2017 UNH Spring Football game. This event will include the bus ride to and from along with some food and drink. We will meet at 9:45 by the Locker Room in the Arts Center. The Game starts at 12 and we will return after 3 pm. Please plan your rides home accordingly.
Players interested in going to the game should contact Coach Leonard either through email or in person before Friday at 2:15 pm.
2017 Football Informational Meeting
Updated on 02/20/2019
There will be two informational meetings on Thursday June 8th. Please have a player or a parent attend one of these meetings
Player/Student Assistant Meeting: 2:45 pm Lecture Hall KRHS
Parent Meeting 6 pm Lecture Hall KRHS
We will be handing out the calendar, discussing going away to camp and fundraising.
If there are any questions please contact Head Coach Justin Leonard at
Saturday Pot Luck / Green and White Scrimmages
Updated on 02/20/2019
Football Family Potluck
Saturday, August 27th
Kingswood Alumni Field
Bring a dish to share
Service ware & drinks provided
Green & White Game 7pm
Gilford Scrimmage Update
Updated on 02/20/2019 | Justin Leonard
The Gilford scrimmage will be tomorrow 8/18 @ Gilford Football Field at 5 pm.
Gilford Meadows Complex
From east – stay on Route 11 until the light – Sawyer’s Dairy Bar is on the left. Turn left the
football field is on the left. Enter the field from the front of the complex buildings.
Double Sessions Tomorrow
Updated on 02/20/2019 | Justin Leonard
There will be double sessions tomorrow. 7 - 1030 am, Classroom session and Lunch and 2:30-5 pm.
Bring Food for between sessions.
Congratulations to Kingswood Knight Jake Overall
Updated on 02/20/2019
Congratulations to Jake Overall for being selected to participate in the 63rd annual Shrine Maple Sugar Bowl. The game is Saturday August 6th, kick off at 5:30 pm. Parade at 3:30 pm.
Friday and Saturdays Practice
Updated on 02/20/2019 | Justin Leonard
Practice for Friday 8/12 has been changed to a single practice from 7-1030. We WILL NOT have an afternoon session due to the heat and air quality advisories. We are sorry for the change - the student athletes are our number one priority.
Again there is NO afternoon session Friday 8/12
Saturdays practice will be as scheduled in the morning 7 a - 1030 a
Thursday, Friday
Updated on 02/20/2019
Thursday - Spaulding Jamboree(Spaulding High School)
Report: 1:30 (Locker Room Opens at 1)
Kick Off: vs. Epping Newmarket 4 pm
Please bring a small healthy snack for in between scrimmages
We will be home after 7 pm
Friday - Practice
Report 2 pm - Finished 5 pm
Schedule For the Week
Updated on 02/20/2019 | Justin Leonard
Week 3
Monday - JV Game @ Laconia, Varsity Practice 245-4, Lifting 4-5
Tuesday - Practice 245-5
Wednesday - Practice 245-5
Thursday - PreGame 245-5
Friday - Game @ ConVal, Report to Locker Room immediately after school.
Football Fan store has been extended
Updated on 02/20/2019 | Justin Leonard
The football fan store has been extended until Thursday 9/29 11:59 pm.
This will be the last chance to get your knights gear for the rest of the 2016 Season
Order up!!